Thursday, November 20, 2008

From the Desk of our HR Director

I couldn't possibly write a better announcement about CMCA's health insurance coverage for 2009 so I'm stealing it straight from the horse's mouth. Julie Kratzer, our HR Director sent the following to "All Staff" regarding the value of our health insurance policy and the importance of staff health:

"Each year around this time CMCA’s health insurance plan comes up for renewal. Changes to the existing plan are reviewed and other health insurance options are considered. I am excited to announce that for 2009, CMCA will once again pay the full monthly health insurance premium for our eligible employees. This is almost unheard of among other employers. CMCA will renew the Mercy health insurance plan. This means that the health coverage for 2009 will be the same as it was in 2008. The Mercy health plan is an excellent plan. A summary of plan coverage is attached. For more specific information, please call the member services number on the back of your health insurance card.

While there was an increase in the health insurance premiums, CMCA is not asking employees to pay even a portion of their premium. But rather we are asking that you continue to take care of yourselves, get your annual check ups, and use the preventive care options offered by our health insurance. For those of you who have your children and/or your spouse on the health insurance plan, the new monthly premiums effective January 1, 2009 are as follows: Spouse = $625.16 and children = $317.17 (flat fee for all children). CMCA pays the full employee premium of $509.91 on each eligible employee.

While on the subject of health insurance, please keep in mind that you can get many generic prescriptions filled for $4 or even free. If you doctor is writing your prescription ask him/her if there is a comparable generic available and if so have him/her write the prescription for the generic. You can save money. Walmart and Gerbes, offer many generic prescriptions for just $4. Schnuck’s has at least 13 commonly prescribed antibiotics that they will fill absolutely free when you bring in your prescription. Our co-pay on generic prescriptions is $10. So before you hand over your insurance card to the pharmacist and pay the co-pay, ask the pharmacist how much the drug actually cost – it could be cheaper than the co-pay.

Oh yeah, while I’m at it, eat an apple, quit smoking, and wear your seatbelt. We want you to be safe, happy, and healthy so you can continue to be part of our great team!

Have a great day!

Julie Kratzer

HR Director"

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