Monday, November 26, 2007

An Average Monday

It wasn't until after I got Hayden into bed tonight that I got to catch up with my email for the day. And now I'm reflecting on my day and thought I'd share. I try to have monthly meetings with each of the Leadership Team members and this morning was Angela's turn. We discussed progress, setbacks, challenges, and opportunities wit each of the initiatives with which she is most closely associated and made some plans for tasks she'll accomplish over the next month. This led immediately to our bi-weekly Leadership Team meeting. During these meetings, the program directors and I talk about agency-wide issues with an eye on opportunities for increased efficiency, integration, cross-functional support, and overall agency improvement. I always miscalculate the amount of time it'll take to consider any given issue and these meetings tend to run long. Today was no different. I'll spare most of the details but we got into some interesting tidbits. As per the Board President's suggestion, we discussed starting a facility inventory/inspection process. This led to a broader discussion of ADA requirements, lease contract liabilities, and our facilities' likelihood to support client needs. We'll be collecting information about each of these things and regrouping to consider next steps. It never seems like these things should be a big deal but this team is both extremely thorough and thoughtful and that leads to a significant desire to do things right . . . and thus slower than any of us would like. Next we got into a discussion of HIPAA rules and CMCA policy regarding infectious disease. It's really important that we encourage and promote sanitary, clean work environments and we'll be circulating hand washing reminders for all of our offices. While it might seem simplistic or rudimentary, good hand washing practices are the best strategy for preventing all kinds of disease transmittal, down to the common cold.

So then the meeting went long and Anita and I had to quickly get our bearings for a lunch meeting with our agency insurance broker and carrier. This is our annual review of our current policy and recommendation for our next renewal which will start Jan. 1. Anita and I haven't had a chance to follow up with this meeting since it ran to nearly four o'clock so I won't divulge details yet but we'll be following up with more information about our plan soon. After that meeting, I knew I had a series of quick things that had to get done so I ran into Dianna's office to reschedule a meeting we'd missed at three and plan to talk about a brief subject at 4:45. Then I ran downstairs to talk to Mernell about our Boonville Head Start center which we are desperately trying to finalize. After that I had a brief interview with an MU journalism student who wanted to know more about the apartment building we're planning to build in Columbia. Next Joyce caught me for some signatures and follow-up to an earlier conversation we'd been having. Then I sent one email to the leadership team about a report we're going to discuss next week and wrapped up my day debriefing with Dianna about an apartment complex in Mexico we're trying to rehabilitate. I caught Chris on his way out and we had a typically geeky conversation about voiceover IP options for office communications. I went home in time to have dinner with my family before Stacey, my wife, had to go to her Monday night class. Hayden and I played games for a couple of hours before we got him ready for bed and I worked through my email. I took a break to watch Survivor on Tivo and then I wrote this post.

It was just an average Monday.

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