Monday, November 19, 2007

New and Good

It's the week of Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for. A wonderful family, a meaningful job, fulfilling volunteer life . . . and I'm interviewing for a new Executive Assistant! This week is dedicated to hiring someone to help us to continue moving the agency forward. I'm excited about it. But still, this time of year makes me both grateful for what I have and thoughtful about the work we do. Ask just about anyone what they have to be thankful for and you'll hear a litany of responses about the thing's in their life regardless of their income. We can all find joy in our lives when we think for a minute. At CMCA we often take time at the beginning of meetings to consider "New and Good" things in our lives. Sure, staff complain incessantly about it but the fact is, it's nice to reflect, event briefly, on the positive things in our lives. Seems like it is the things we focus on that tend to perpetuate. Positivity breeds good things and negativity generates unnecessary barriers. Have you heard about "Complaint Bracelets?" It's based on the idea that complaining generates negativity which in turn generates those barriers I mentioned. Sure, it's a little hokey, and frankly, there are things worth complaining about, but I like the idea. You can check it out and get your own bracelet here for free. Stay positive, think about the new and good in your life, and enjoy Thanksgiving.

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